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Energy flow and clutter

We are into Spring now, not long passed the Spring Equinox for the Southern Hemisphere. And with the change of seasons, what a great time to do a declutter and spring clean. In feng shui, being free of clutter is a must for good energy flow in and around the home and workspace. It’s a great chance to give your space a revamp, for renewed energy into the future.

Items that are hanging around, that are never or seldom used, touched and left alone for long periods, are top candidates to throw out or donate. Ask yourself, “Is this something I really need, use and like, or am I just avoiding dealing with it?”

All areas of your home, like your body, should have healthy movement and energy flow. Air should be able to circulate. Qi (chi), energy and life force moves in a flowing motion. Is there space for air to flow in your cupboards and rooms? Can you move about in each room and make use of it?

The things that rarely see the light of day nor get used are items that collect dust. Even in cupboards, boxes and storage tubs. They can have a stale smell or even a musty one. These sorts of areas stagnate the energy of your home (or workspace) which becomes like a block or a sense of feeling stuck.

Stagnant energy in the home creates poor flow and this can translate to poor flow in your body and life. Stagnant energy slows you down, can make you feel tired, bring you down, is discouraging dampening your spirits, reduces your integral energy, vitality, enthusiasm and motivation and draws on your love for yourself and others. This can develop as a way of being, setting up a cycle, that doesn’t do you any good.

To get out of this stagnant energy cycle, action is needed. Don’t concern yourself with thinking about it much, waiting for inspiration, or till you feel like it, just take action. As a multinational sports (energy, vitality) company says: Just Do It! If there is a lack of interest for decluttering or cleaning up, the method is to just start on something, anything and start small, this helps.

Start in one corner, on one shelf, in one box or tub, one drawer or one room. But just make a start. You will have a positive result – you will feel better, and you will have a cleared out and cleaned up an area. It can be discouraging to bite off more than you can chew, only to feel like you have created a greater mess! Start with a small area and resolve that in a time frame. Give yourself a time limit to do one box, say thirty to sixty minutes. Give yourself another time frame, the same day or another day to sort and clear those two shelves, etc. And so it goes. Bit by bit. One area after another. Steady but not slow and keep moving. It doesn’t have to be all done in one or two days, but you want to keep the momentum going. Set yourself achievable goals and stick with them.

Music can be uplifting and motivating. Being free of distractions, asking if someone can help, being rested and nourished, opening windows for fresh air, can help you get going and stick at it.

Let me know how you go. I’d love to hear if you have used any of these methods. Or are there any others you use or what else motivates you to get moving on the clearing up front? Feel free to contact me if you need any further information or assistance. Julia

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